About Us
Typically, at the end of every day on building sites, Bricklayers and most other wet trade Contractors wash out their cement mixers and tools with water and empty the contents into their wheelbarrow.
The wheelbarrow is then scrubbed and the resulting 20 - 40L of slurry is usually dumped nearby and the barrow hosed out ready for the next day.

This site wash water (cement slurry) often flows into groundwater or onto the street and subsequently down a storm water drain. It simply makes an ugly mess on site. And significantly, inappropriate disposal can result in a large financial penalty for the site manager, usually the Builder.
SLURRYTUB is an all new Australian innovation… this portable and cost effective wet building site waste solution was developed by an Aussie builder who is dealing with the problem of wet building site waste almost every day on his jobs… and now he’s decided to do something about it.
SLURRYTUB had its sustainability claim authenticated by Good Environmental Choice Australia, which gives consumers confidence that a specific sustainability claim has been substantiated through an in-depth exploration by independent third-party assurance.