Dump Your Slurry The Better Way.


Our founder, Angus Hudson has been a builder for over 30 years and invented SLURRYTUB after witnessing a recurring and difficult problem faced daily on many building sites. The wash up and disposal of wet trade waste (slurry) by tradesmen. Under the current and outdated guidelines, setting up a ‘washout area’ for wet tradesmen on site was impractical and often lead to tradesmen taking shortcuts. Meaning the cement slurry would be dumped into gardens, lawns or onto the streets and subsequently down a stormwater drain. From observing this problem, the idea was created to develop a new, cost effective and simple ‘best practice’ solution to significantly improve the environmental performance of building sites and overall stormwater quality.

Forget Your Dodgy Shortcut Fix.


Wet trade slurry from the wash up of cement, concrete, grouts, render and sediment is generated on building sites each day. Typically, at the end of the day, all tools including cutting machinery, mixers, wheelbarrows, and hand tools must be washed before the wet trade slurry sets. Often the equipment is cleaned in improvised ‘wash out areas’ including gardens and lawns or on our pavements, driveways, roads, and gutters, leaving an unsightly mess. This wrongful slurry disposal when washing up causes serious environmental harm including soil degradation or worse, contamination of stormwater drains and waterways.

Slurry waste incorrectly disposed of in gardens can leach through the soil and alter the soil chemistry, inhibit plant growth, and contaminate the groundwater. While slurry entering stormwater drains quickly ends up in our rivers, creeks, groundwaters and oceans. Heavy metals, toxic chemicals, nutrients, and other pollutants bind to the sediments and are easily transported spreading the pollution and causing irreversible damage to our delicate ecosystems and aquatic life. Irresponsible disposal of the waste will also cause serious maintenance problems with the stormwater infrastructure - which will result in a large financial penalty for the site manager, usually the builder.

Job Site Done Right.


We created SLURRYTUB as a simple and cost-effective solution to solve a major problem in the building industry. The portable filtering system was designed to capture and filter wet trade slurry and offers an environmentally friendly way to clean your tools, equipment by filtering the damaging sediment found in slurry. Leaving visibly clear water to drain within a designated washout area or be recycled on the job. The filtration system captures the solids allowing the hardened waste to easily be disposed of in a controlled environment.

SLURRYTUB is a simple, portable designated washout area that every trade should add to their daily kit. SLURRYTUB has already been taken up by a number of trades (etc. bricklayer, tiler, carpenter, landscaper, plumber). It is an Aussie-made product that will save time on daily clean-ups, make the job site safer, avoid significant penalties/fines, improve company reputations, and importantly keep clients happy.

SLURRYTUB as an environmental solution, stops damaging material from entering our stormwater drains and waterways. This means the heavy metals and containments that typically get hosed into the drain or garden are now being disposed of responsibly. We have removed the need to hose away slurry saving thousands to millions of litres per year. Importantly, the filtering system also allows the clear water from the tub to be collected and recycled on the job site.

Your Boss’ll Be Impressed.


SLURRYTUB is a heavy-duty recyclable plastic tub, lined with a biodegradable cellulose paper filter that captures and filters the cement slurry (which has an extremely high level of total suspended solids), leaving visibly clear water to drain within the designated washout areas or be recycled on the job. When dry enough, simply dispose of the hardened waste, along with the biodegradable filter into the work site skip or other approved disposal method.


Place disposable filter into the tub with the flap with the logo at the front over the cut-out area. Secure by placing the reinforced holes in the filter over the cleats in each corner of the tub.


Stand the wheelbarrow up to empty the slurry into the tub, resting the barrow’s lip in the tub cut-out, which supports most barrows handsfree. Take care to avoid tearing the filter.


Allow filtered water to drain safely in washout areas or recycle on the job. Taps and hoses can be connected to the 2 threaded outlets for directing the cleared water. Most of the water should drain within 30-60 minutes depending on the slurry contents.


Dispose of the filter and dried contents into a suitable site skip or other appropriate waste disposal method. Use only one filter per washout.

No Wucken Slurries!




Using excessive amounts of water to hose this harmful pollutant into your client's garden or down the drain is not a solution.

*For every biodegradable filter used, SLURRYTUB saves an estimated 54 LITRES of water. SLURRYTUB being used on all home renovations and new builds for a year, would SAVE Australia 300 MILLION LITRES of water! Estimate non inclusive of additional recycled water capabilities.


Numerous laboratory tests (NATA approved) have been conducted showing the following key results:

• Total Suspended Solids (TSS) of less than 50mg/l over time (i.e. the filtered water appears clear to the naked eye).
• Levels better than the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (other than pH) for all heavy metals other than Chromium.

We make it very clear that users of SLURRYTUB should still dispose of the filtered water in the protected washout area or recycle it on the job.